Jul 2, 2020
Penny Zenker knows how to cut through the clutter.
As an international speaker, business strategy coach, and best selling author, she knows what it takes to help businesses sustainably grow.
In this specific episode we answer the question: “How do I keep it all afloat?”
We talk about:
1. Falling back in your thinking and allowing time and structure
2. Setting realistic expectations in what you can achieve
3. How assumptions are trouble and how to ask challenging questions
4. Why strategy is like an onion and we learn layer by layer
5. How to get out of victim “have to” mentality and into gratitude
6. Why journaling isn’t a one-size fits all
7. The science behind multitasking
8. Building in “off” time, transition time, and celebration time
9. How to be results oriented and let go of your ego
Connect with Penny at www.pennyzenker360.com and take her distraction quiz.