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May 31, 2018

Inspired by the book The War of Art by Steven Pressfield, I talk about how to find your unique spin in business and health and how to take action today. There is a cost to not taking action, and the pain of regret is severe. Have a listen and make a plan. For more help, head to

May 24, 2018

Instead of looking at our comfort zone as a glass ceiling, I want you to look at it as a cliff. You must have the belief to make the leap, or else you’ll always stay frustrated and stuck. There is another level for you in business and in health, but motivation comes from within. Ask yourself?

What belief have been...

May 17, 2018

Your brand statement is critical to your success. It’s time to start thinking about what the world wants from you and staying on that PATH of purpose. In this episode, I talk about:


P- Your Peers and why it’s critical to choose wisely

A- How to have an Attitude of gratitude and abundance

T- The importance of...

May 10, 2018

In this episode, I talk about my A-HA moment after Bo Eason’s Personal Story Power Event when I got upset at my husband in a hot tub because he didn't have dreams as big as mine. He didn’t have his how to plan mapped out. Here’s how to go EASY on people who aren’t experiencing the same change as you in business...